Veinlite is a handheld transillumination device that eliminates guesswork and probing. Proven Veinlite Technology and the unique C-Shaped design helps secure the vein, provides traction on the skin and facilitates easy needle insertion. Veinlite helps reduce patient pain and anxiety as well as wasted IV supplies from numerous sticks, while increasing patient satisfaction. There are four Veinlite models on the market today.

Veinlite LEDx is the newest, most powerful LED transilluminator available today, created as an IV access solution for overweight pateints. Use of two scientifically selected LED colors, orange and red, permits visualization of veins in light or dark pigmented skin. You can also use the Veinlite LEDx for standard through-the-body transillumination in children, babies and neonates. The LEDx contains 32 bright light emitting diodes (LEDs): Orange LEDs (24) for superficial veins and Red (8) for deep veins and dark pigmented skin.

Veinlite LED is the best pocket transilluminator available today for vein imaging prior to vein access or for consultation with patients prior to varicose vein treatment. Use of two scientifically selected LED colors, orange and red, permits visualization of veins in light or dark pigmented skin. You can also use the Veinlite LED for standard through-the-body transillumination in children, babies and neonates. Solid-state LEDs used in the Veinlite LED create almost no heat. The LED contains 24 bright light emitting diodes (LEDs): Orange LEDs (12) for superficial veins and Red (12) for deep veins and dark pigmented skin.

Veinlite EMS is the most affordable pocket Veinlite designed for general vein imaging access in adults and children. It has 16 dual colored LEDs and is powered by two AA batteries.

Veinlite PEDI is the smallest pocket Veinlite designed for babies, newborns and neonates. It has 12 dual colored LEDs for optimum imaging of veins in newborns. An innovative snap-on neonate adapter allows for through the limb transillumination of small limbs. It uses a disposable lithium battery.
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